
Monday, November 29, 2010

February 2009, Portland, ME... and then there was coffee!

After 2 hours of sleep, we get to the site of the shoot very, very early. It's something like 12 degrees outside and there is no one at the VW dealership.

Dane and I shoot b-roll for the project and try to stay warm.

At about 7:30, the dealership owner arrives with a box full of bagels and coffee for all of us.

I've never spent much time on the east coast, but have many friends from there. They go on and on and on about how much better the food is there.

Years ago, I used to play a little game at parties. When a group of people from Chicago were talking with a group of people from New York, I would mention pizza and then watch the chaos ensue. Of course, being a Californian, I got the hell out of dodge before they realized who started this mess.

This snobbery applied to bagels as well. Granted, this is Portland ME and not NYC, but I do have to admit, I'd never had a proper bagel before coming to Maine. The coffee was bland at best, but damn if those weren't good bagels.

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